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Osu Honorable Budoka; "The path to find out who we are and strengthen ourselves, is woven within the Fabric of Budo (KOEIKAN)."I am Honored by your drive to stand as True warriors during these turbulent times. I am no more than the messenger and the compass, However, you have all become... Read more »

Osu on this Jumbi Renshu day. If you want to know the inside moves, the secrets, first you have find the mountain, then you have ask how to climb.  Physical practice (realistic traing) with maximum decisive effort, turns the most chaotic perception into  simplicity.
Be... Read more »

Osu all Warriors/practitioners of our modern day (ancient) Budo.  I've been amazed at two things lately;  One- How vigilant and strong many practitioners are in the face of what is now being called NONSENSE and the continuing saga of toooo much lockdown.  Two - How many cry babies who... Read more »

Osu.  Samurai of Spartans;
"The Greater the Difficulties, the more Glory in Surmounting them". The greatest challenge in life is looking beyond laime thoughts and charting a course towards Achievement that you Believe in.

Be thankful for adversity, as it causes the Human Spirit to grow.
"Good can become great". Keep at your task (battle) as as a blazing fire takes whatever you throw at it makes or light and flame.

The first rule is to keep an untroubled Spirit and ... Read more »

Osu - Martial Artist/Budoka/Kenjittsuka/ and Spartan warriors of all original Budo.
I'm always writing my stories from the Heart w/o any hype or nonsense, however, that at times paints a picture of excitement w/ a Broad Sumi-e brush.  First some thoughts and quotes to... Read more »

I am not perfect, and no surprise, I never will be.

Osu Budoka > Renshika > Masters of Budo life
... Read more »

Stay Strong & Don't forget How fortunate you are.
Strength and Honor

Stay Strong & Don't forget How fortunate you are.
Strength and Honor

The Trauma up to a loss and the repercussions thereafter, is a sadness that slides one into deep emotional pain.  Half of you is removed forever and revitalization is a process. Some never recover and find comfort in the pain as the memories still linger. (Hopelessness is a Horrible emotion)... Read more »

Osu; Sorry to have missed you or Anyone else recently.. Pls remember; that one's growth comes out of consistent practice. You know this very well. The more we engage the higher we climb. This is not attached only by skills, but also by deep reason to our profound existence ie; who am I.. Be... Read more »

Osu. .. Don't get so wrapped up in life you forget who you really are. (PAUSE) As we focus on tomorrow or next constantly, we loose sight of the shoreline and wake up to find it's all gone. Discipline is the only way out or in, depending on what you seek in life. It is your ultimate challenge... Read more »

OSU Unstoppable Samurai; Your passion to win must exceed even the street engagement when practicing in the Dojo. Train from the Heart as Ego is an 'Anasthesia that Deadens the Pain of stupidity'. It's not about the Armor, it's what's inside & who's wearing it. Good quote!! We are no more... Read more »

Osu! Training to find the true nature of who you are & what your about is a complicated process. "In order to become the Diplomat of Unmatched Skill, one Must subjegate oneself to brutal battle @ times. Anyone who believes martial arts is a hobby has their head up their ass. It's a... Read more »

by Douglas Malloch

The tree that never had to fight
For sun and sky and air and light,
But stood out in the open plain
And always got its share of rain,
Never became a forest king
But lived and died a... Read more »

In the martial art industry, there is a very broad spectrum of what it means to be a black belt, and what it takes to achieve it. Time requirements range anywhere from as little as a few hours/week for two years up to hours/day for a decade. Some schools require efficacy in sparring; many put... Read more »